Gift Vouchers

Want to spoil a Mother or Mother To Be with a gift that will ease her mind, stress and worries? Look no further than our gift vouchers with no set limit! A gift from a friend, sister, niece, aunty they will enjoy.

With 2 picturesque designs to choose from you cant go wrong.

Planner Only


Planner & 1:1 with YOUR Doula

Postpartum Planner

A guide for mothers/parents to plan their postpartum journey. Just like antenatal and pregnancy planning i have developed this planner for you to begin your matrescence era with confidence, less stress and feeling of overwhelm. Inside you`ll find tips, tricks, education (for you and bub) and guidance with delicious easy recipes. Most importantly contacts of health practitioners and emergency services.

For the mother who needs a fairy godmother. A once off visit to help her get back on her feet, provide reassurance with homemade snacks and delicious beverage of choice. Allowing her to feel heard and seen, free of judgement in a warm, nurturing and sacred space. Supporting you with my full presence from the moment i arrive until the time i leave in the way that supports your unique needs.

A perfect gift for mothers to be, just entered matrescence or trial to see and feel what ongoing guidance, support and soulful mothering for YOU will look and feel like within your space.

Élan Introductory Bundle

Âme Wellness Bundle

Élever Healing Bundle

Can be purchased within the first 2 years of birth.

1:1 Consultation

3 Hour In-Home Visit

Homemade Snack and Beverage

Postpartum Planner

Élan Introductory Bundle

Complimentary Consultation

Postpartum Planner

6 Weeks of In-Home & Virtual Support

Homemade Main Meals, Snack and Beverage Weekly

Light House Duties

Sacred Debriefing Space

Pet/Sibling Assistance

And much more tailored to you.

Âme Wellness Bundle

The gentle art of mothering the mother. Postpartum care tailored to the mothers needs for optimal support through self-regrowth as a women and mother. Soulful guidance uniquely provided for YOU whilst you enter your Matrescence journey with confidence and sustainability, minimising the stress in the 4th trimester to promote the bonding between mum and bub.

Élever Healing Bundle

For the mother that wants that little something extra or maybe wants a help with balance and support in their transformation of becoming a parent. For the mother who have minimal support around them and wants someone corner on those tougher days.

Transitioning into your matrescence self and motherhood is a wonderful experience that comes with its own challenges. A whirlwind of mixed emotions can be difficult to navigate the simplest of goals in your day to day routine. I am here to guide with soulful intent, support with education and hand on duties, provide you nourishing meals and snacks that will help with your energy and production. Most of all i am here to be with you, around you for you to support your mental, spiritual and emotional self.

Allowing you to have YOUR time, your space just to take a breath, wash your hair or even advocate for those unwanted visitors that drop on by. I am YOUR doula, YOUR advocate and will support you through your beautiful journey your way.

Complimentary Consultation

Postpartum Planner

12 Week In-home and Virtual Support

Homemade Nourishing Meals, Snacks and beverages

Light House Duties

Sacred Debriefing Space

Your Tailored Package